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A green apple was placed on a stack of books; image used for HSBC overseas education.

Overseas Education

Find the right overseas education institution for your children

Set your children on course to a successful education in a world without boundaries

Planning ahead

  • Planning and preparing for your children’s overseas education can be quite a stressful task. But with HSBC Premier you can call upon expert help and support to make the path a little easier.
  • If you don’t already have an education financing plan for your children, your Relationship Manager can help to develop one.
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Getting ready

  • You can apply to experience Premier services in any country and territory if you are a qualified Premier customer in Taiwan.
  • Our Premier international banking centre can help you book a time for account opening overseas. When your children arrive, a local branch will support your children.
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Living overseas

  • The Everyday Global Visa Debit Card allows your children to withdraw cash from any ATM worldwide with the Visa/PLUS logo and pay no FX fees on 9 supported currencies. Learn More
  • In the event of loss or theft, we can provide an instant emergency cash advance of local currency, card replacement and other expert advice. Learn More
  • HSBC Premier offers free fund transfers between worldwide accounts with Global Transfer. You can manage all your accounts free, effectively, conveniently and without time difference. Learn More
a pair of socks

Apply for HSBC Premier


For a Premier Account, a minimum, monthly average balance of TWD 3 million is required. If the Bank's requirement for minimum average balance is not maintained, the Bank shall have the right to collect the account administration charge of TWD 1,000 or equivalent foreign currency per month, prescribed by the Bank.

This web page only indicates selected privileges and services offered, and shall only be used as a general guide for reference. Please refer to the "Customer Guide" for detailed information. Benefits and features may be subject to local country and territory regulatory restrictions.

Listening to what you have to say about services matters to us. It's easy to share your ideas, stay informed and join the conversation. To improve the protection of customers' rights for the elderly or customers with special needs, the Bank provides relatives or friends to accompany them to participate in the communication to understand the product information, and provides enough time to consider whether to apply for related products. Please contact us via contact center (02)6616-6000 or email if any doubt/concern or further explanation is needed.
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For information on the loss reporting services of the other credit card issuance institution,please click hereclick here to read more about loss reporting services on other credit card issuance institution.(THE BANKERS ASSOCIATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA)